Thursday, November 6, 2008


Yeah for Obama! I am so glad I got to vote in such a historic election! A few of the teachers went out to celebrate the other night! The Koreans are very happy about our choice! It makes them feel like they can do anything! I'm so glad that America made the right choice!

I don't have internet anymore at my place so blogs will be scarce for a few weeks. I have been pretty busy! My first week of teaching is almost over. Just have my afternoon classes left. It went pretty well. I can't wait to show everyone pictures of my kids! My kindergarten kids are so adorable! All is well here, I don't really have too much to report. I'll write more when I have more time to think. It's pretty loud and busy here in the teacher's room.

Love everyone and miss you all! More to come soon, I promise!


Betsy said...

Lizzie: Ditto on Obama!! So glad you celebrated in Korea on such an amazing win for our country & the world.....we finally got a winner!! This will be "the election" you will remember for your lifetime. Miss you and love you.....xo, Mom & Dad

BigBroPaulie said...

Haven't heard form you in a while. Keep updating your blog, I want to know what going on with you and your adventures. Let me know what you want me to send you for xmas too!!