Saturday, February 28, 2009

Winter Gala 2009

We had our Winter Gala and graduation last week. All of the 7 year olds graduated and are moving on to elementary school and the other kids move up a grade. We had to put on a performance for the parents of all of the kids. We have been working on the plays and songs for two months. It is really nice to have it over with! It was a big success! So, I get my new 5 year olds on Wednesday, should be exciting. They won't speak any English so it will be a challenge. I am ready for it though.


eileen pennington said...

they are SOOOOO cute!

Rosie said...

Hi, Lizzie. Fine job with the kids. I had to do that for the City and was thrilled when it was over, but had fun just the same. All is well here and hope the same with you. I'm giving your blog to Tyler and hope he's interested in the history you provided. Good luck with the new kids and take your time. You'll be great. Love, Rosie